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Lonati's yet unreleased triosonatas! become a mecenate: help us to produce our first cd!

Una campagna di
Giardino di Delizie


Una campagna di
Giardino di Delizie

Lonati's yet unreleased triosonatas! become a mecenate: help us to produce our first cd!

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 3.080,00
  • Sostenitori 24
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Raccogli tutto  
  • Categoria Musica & concerti

Una campagna di 
Giardino di Delizie


Il Progetto


Hello, We are GIARDINO di DELIZIE, an early music ensemble specilizing in Baroque Roman and Polish music and based in Rome in Italy. We love to play our instruments and make music together. At the same time we enjoy rediscovering the hidden treasures of the Baroque music and make sure they won’t get lost. Recently, we found the Triosonatas by Carlo Ambrogio Lonati and we got really delighted by his music. This music hasn’t been recorded yet and thus, we decided to make known this fascinating Italian composer to the wider public. We already have signed a contract with Brilliant Classics, one of the most important and internationally known classical music record labels and next months we will be recording 10 Triosonata by Lonati. Apart from a small financial support from the record label most of the expenses are on us. Wouldn’t you like to be part of this great project? Any kind of financial help will be welcome and rewarded. Please help us to make our dream  come true. Be an art and music mecenate.


The Early Music Ensemble “Giardino di Delizie” was founded by the violinist Ewa Anna Augustynowicz and was a result of the fortunate encounter of four young talents from the most important Italian and European music institutions such as: Hochschule für Musik in Basel, Vincenzo Bellini Music Academy in Palermo, Santa Cecilia Music Academy in Rome, National Academy of Music in Krakow, Alfredo Casella Music Academy in L'Aquila, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel. The four musicians improved and mastered their skills under a professional care of internationally renowned masters such as Enrico Onofri, Enrico Gatti, Marco Ceccato, Andrea Coen and Giovanni Togni. The musicians of Giardino di Delizie participated also in numerous master classes and courses with the Baroque music specialists of world-wide importance. Among them: C. Coin, W. Vestidello, P. Skalka, D. Sinkovsky, M. Testori, F. Biondi, A. Beyer, M. Valli, M. Toth, A. De Carlo, P. Holtslag, R. Brown, A. Tampieri, R. Minasi, A. Florio, F. Bonizzoni and Ch. Rousset.
 In addition to the high level of training and specialization, members of the ensemble work regularly with different internationally known groups such as Les Eléments, Capella Cracoviensis, Accademia Montis Regalis, Europa Galante, Arianna Art Ensemble, Collegium Pro Musica, Baroque Ensemble I Turchini, Quatuor Mosaiques, Concerto Romano, Accordone, Pomo d'Oro.
Alongside the musical activity, the ensemble conducts also a research in the field of musicology with particular regard to the Roman Baroque repertoire and the Polish baroque repertoire rediscovering unknown composers and musicians and thus trying to draw a bridge of communication between these two countries. The ensemble’s performances, particularly intense and exciting, are in fact the result of extensive historical surveys to rediscover masterpieces of Italian and Polish composers who have had the center of its activity in the Rome of Alessandro Stradella, Arcangelo Corelli and Alessandro Scarlatti. The ensemble is based in Rome and since its foundation pursued its activity for important institutions such as the Circle of the Armed Forces at the Ministry of Defence in Rome, the Polish Church of St Stanislaus in Rome and participated in festivals such as Festival of Music Rome, Festival Almisonis Melos in Chivasso (Turin), Musica Antica a San Rufo Rieti. In August 2016 the group played fringe concerts for two significant European Early Music Festivals: BRQ Vantaa Early Music Festival and Utrecht Early Musik Festival. In February 2017 the ensemble performed in Kalisz (Poland), for the 2017 Schola Cantorum Music Festival, in Katowice for Dante Alighieri Institut and in Warsaw at the Wilanow Palace. The musicians of the Giardino di Delizie perform on historical instruments, copies of important Italian artigians.


The 5000 Euro goal will help pay for the majority of the recording, mixing and mastering of the record and production of the CDs, renting the recording space and instruments (harpsichord and organ), costs of the artistic director of the recording, accomodation during the recording, plus the cost of the rewards that go with the campaign such as packing and mailing expenses (postage, envelopes, bubble wrap, tape, it all adds up) so you can get your goodies safe and sound! Also a portion of the fundraiser platform pledge goes to Produzioni dal Basso processing fees. Any overages will help in organizing a promotional concert of the CD.


We value your support. Please take a look at our perks! If you cannot make a monetary contribution, please consider helping us out by sharing our campaign on social media, email, or word of mouth.


Hallo, Wir sind Giardino di Delizie, das Ensemble für Alte Musik, die sich auf die Aufführung und Forschung von röhmischer und polnischer Musik konzentriert.  Kürzlich haben wir die Triosonaten von Carlo Ambrogio Lonati gefunden und diese Musik hat uns sofort begeistert. Bislang, wurden diese Musikstücke noch von niemandem aufgenommen, deswegen haben wir uns entschieden diesen interessanten Komponisten und seine Werke dem breiten Publikum vorzustellen. Unser Projekt hat das Interesse einer der wichtigsten Musiklabels für die klassische Musik, Brilliant Classics, geweckt und wir haben bereits den Vertrag unterzeichnet. Bald werden 10 Triosonaten von Lonati wieder erklingen. Ausser einer kleinen finanziellen Hilfe, die wir von dem Label erhalten, sind die meisten Kosten bei uns zu decken. Unser Ziel ist, mindestens fünf tausend Euro zu sammeln, was uns die meisten Kosten von Aufnahme, Mixing, Mastering und Produktion der CD und Belohnung unserer Unterstützer abdecken lassen. Eventuelle Überschüsse werden der Organisation von Konzerten in Europa, die unsere CD befördern, helfen.   Möchtest du an diesem Projekt mitmachen? Jede Form von Hilfe wäre herzlich willkommen und wird belohnt. Hilf uns, unseren Traum wahr zu machen. Sei Kunst und Musik Mäzen. 


Ciao, Siamo il GIARDINO di DELIZIE, un ensemble di musica antica specializzato in musica barocca romana e polacca. Oltre alla passione che mettiamo nell’esecuzione di questo tipo di musica amiamo riscoprirne i  tesori nascosti e fare in modo che essi non vadano perduti. Recentemente abbiamo scoperto le Triosonate di Carlo Ambrogio Lonati e ci siamo immediatamente innamorate di questo suo lavoro. Questa musica non e’ stata ancora registrata  e quindi abbiamo deciso di inciderla per portare a conoscenza di un pubblico piu’ ampio questo meraviglioso compositore  italiano. Abbiamo già firmato un contratto con la Brilliant Classics, una delle più’ importanti e rinomate case discografiche e nei prossimi mesi registreremo 10 Triosonate di Lonati.  A parte un piccolo aiuto finanziario che riceveremo dalla casa discografica, la maggior parte delle spese per la produzione del CD e’ a nostro carico. L’obbiettivo minimo dei 5000 Euro ci aiuterebbe a pagare la maggior parte della registrazione, del missaggio e della masterizzazione e produzione del CD, dell’affitto della sala di registrazione, dei costi per il direttore artistico più  il costo dei premi che accompagneranno la raccolta dei fondi.  Superare l’obiettivo minimo ci aiuterebbe ad organizzare concerti per promuovere il CD in Europa. Non ti piacerebbe essere uno dei protagonisti di questo entusiasmante progetto? Ogni tipo di aiuto finanziario sara’ gradito e premiato.  Aiutaci a trasformare questo nostro sogno in realtà.  Diventa un mecenate.


Witajcie! Jestemy zespolem Giardino di Delizie, zespolu specjalizujacego sie w wykonawstwie muzyki dawnej, przede wszystkim tej kompozytorow rzymskich i polskich. Pasjonuje nas nie tylko wykonywanie tego typu muzyki ale rowniez odkrywanie na nowo barokowych perelek, ktore od dawna nie widzialy swiatla dziennego. W ostatnim czasie znalazlysmy Triosonaty wloskiego kompozytora Carlo Ambrogio Lonatiego, ktore natychmiast nas zachwycily. Muzyka ta nie jest jeszcze znana dlatego tez postanowilysmy ja nagrac i dac mozliwosc poznania tego interesujacego kompozytora szerszej publicznosci. Wytwornia plytowa, ktora zainteresowal nasz projekt jest renomowana Brilliant Classics z ktora podpisalysmy juz kontrakt. Tak wiec za pare miesiecy po raz pierwszy bedzie mozna wysluchac wszystkich 10 Triosonat Lonatiego. Niestety wytwornia plytowa pokrywa tylko bardzo niewielka czesc kosztow zwiazanych z nagraniem plyty, tak wiec do nas nalezy sfinansowanie projektu. Na dzien dzisiejszy kwota minimalna ktora umozliwilaby nam pokrycie podstawowych wydatkow to 5000 euro. Pomoglaby nam ona w sfinansowaniu nagrania, montazu, wynajmu sali i klawesynu oraz kosztow nagrod ktore sa przewidziane dla naszych sponsorow. Wszelkie dodatkowe kwoty przekraczajace sume pieciu tysiecy pozwolilyby nam na organizacje koncertow promujacych plyte w Europie. Kazda pomoc finansowa jest mile widziana i bedzie przez nas doceniona! Zostan naszym mecenatem! Pomoz nam w spelnieniu naszego marzenia i badz czescia tego wspanialego projektu!! 


Fai una donazione libera
Campagna terminata

Shoutout on social media

We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook page.


Mention on our website

We'll list your name as a donor on our website and we'll give you a shoutout on our Facebook page.



We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook and send you a postcard from Italy or Poland.


1 Lonati track by e mail

We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook and send you by e mail 1 track with 1 Triosonata by Lonati registered by our ensemble



We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook and give you our CD with Lonati Triosonatas.


CD with autographs

We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook and give you our CD with Lonati Triosonatas with the autographs of all members of Giardino di Delizie


CD and a free violin, cello or harpsichord lesson in Rome, Udine or Pisa

We'll publicly thank you from our Facebook, give you our CD with the autographs of all members of Giardino di Delizie and we will give a violin, cello or harpsichord lesson in Rome or via skype.


participation in our rehearsal in Rome

If we're ever in the same location, we'd be happy to invite you to assist during our rehearsal. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


CD and hand made jewel made by Ewa

Ewa will be happy to make a hand made jewel for you. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


CD and a hand made bag by Lucia

Lucia will be happy to make a bag for you. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


Instrument lessons package (3 intensive lessons)

If we're ever in the same location, we'd be happy to offer you a package (3 intensive lessons) of violin, cello, harpsichord or piano lesson. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


CD, a free instrument lesson and 2 tickets to our future concert

If we're ever in the same location, we'd be happy to offer you a violin or cello or harpsichord lesson. Plus 2 tickets to our future concerts, a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


Private walking tour of Rome, Pisa or Udine

We live in Rome, Udine and Pisa and we know them quite well. If you're ever in one of these cities, we will gladly give you a private walking tour. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


painting or drawing by Ewa

Ewa will paint or draw something for you. Plus 2 tickets to our future concerts, a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention on our website.


Private house concert

Depending on your location, we will (either as the whole group or in part) perform a house concert for you. Time frame to be agreed upon. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention as a sponsor on our CD.


Weekend and private house concert in Rome

We will (either as the whole group or in part) perform a house concert for you and host you in a private independent mini apartment in Rome for 2 nights. Time frame to be agreed upon. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention as a sponsor on our CD.


Weekend, private concert and walking tour in Rome

We will (either as the whole group or in part) perform a house concert for you and your partner, host you in a private independent mini apartment in Rome for 2 nights and give you and orientation walking tour of most beautiful places in Rome. Time frame to be agreed upon. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention as a sponsor in the book of our CD.


Mention as one of main sponsors of CD

We will (either as the whole group or in part) perform a house concert for you and your partner, host you in a private independent mini apartment in Rome for 2 nights and give you and orientation walking tour of most beautiful places in Rome. Time frame to be agreed upon. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention as a main sponsor in the book of our CD.


A personal dedication on our CD and 5 days vacation in Rome with a private concert and walking tour.

We will (either as the whole group or in part) perform a house concert for you and your partner, host you in a private independent mini apartment in Rome for 5 nights and give you and orientation walking tour of most beautiful places in Rome. Time frame to be agreed upon. Plus a CD with autographs of all the members of the ensemble and shoutout on our Facebook page and a mention as a main sponsor in the book of our CD.


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